RIGEN TANK Regenerating Multifunction

Multifunctional Regenerating

Protectant with exceptional features, renews fuel for a remanufactured tank and fuel system.

What does he do?

REGENTANK regenerates the original properties of the fuel. The special formula with advanced TFR technology Technic's Fuel Regeneration acts on:

Comparative Simulation between two Protective products on the market and RIGENTANK

It absorbs the aqueous component generated by condensation phenomena and naturally contained in the fuel, which will then be burned during combustion.
Eliminates paraffins from the “bio” components of the fuel.
It dehydrates microorganisms (bacteria, molds, algae), making the residues easy to burn in combustion or deposited in the filters. Prevents microbiological proliferation.
Dissolves sulfur residues and dissolves them back into the fuel, leaving the tank and fuel system clean and free of scale.

The formulations comply with the UNI EN 590 and UNI EN 228 standards.

uni en 590 compliant compliant with unie en 228   technics fule regeneration

Information Brochure


Conformity test UNI EN 590

The values ​​below show that the addition of RIGENTANK does not alter the properties of the diesel which remains compliant with European legislation.


Common Rail Injector Test Bench Cleaning Test

Using a common rail injector test bench, a flow rate and atomization test was carried out on the disassembled common rail injectors, using the previously polluted diesel fuel and making the injectors work for 8 periods of 60 minutes and pauses of 15 minutes between one period and one 'other. The data showed a decrease in flow rate equal to 4,2% and a clear worsening of atomization of the spray of the injectors (visual detection). 

With the addition of 5% of RIGENTANK Diesel, the correct restoration of the flow rate of the injectors and the consequent improvement of the spray atomization was recorded.


Motor Test on Power Test Bench

A test was then carried out on a power test bench using a Euro 5 car fueled with the previously polluted diesel fuel. After a period of 32 minutes of engine operation there was a progressive decrease in power equal to -11%. 

The same test was then performed 3 more times by adding the RIGENTANK Diesel additive in amounts of 0,5%, 1% and 2%, noting a progressive improvement in engine operation with power increases of up to 1,5%.


Fuel Opacity Test

Using a professional opacimeter, a light beam was detected through a glass cylinder containing 250 ml of polluted diesel, detecting an opacity equal to 85%. Subsequently, the diesel was added with the RIGENTANK Diesel product in an amount of 5%, detecting the opacity again after 100 seconds with a result equal to 0. 



Conformity test UNI EN 228

The values ​​below show that the addition of RIGENTANK does not alter the properties of the petrol which remains compliant with the European legislation.


Multipoint Injector Test Bench Cleaning Test

Using a multipoint petrol injector test bench, a flow rate and atomization test of the disassembled injectors was carried out, using the previously polluted petrol, making the injectors work for 8 periods of 60 minutes and pauses of 15 minutes between one period and another. , detecting a decrease in flow rate equal to a clear worsening of atomization of the spray of the injectors (visual detection).

With the addition of 5% of RIGENTANK Petrol, the correct restoration and realignment of the flow rate of the injectors and consequent improvement of the spray atomization was recorded. With just one treatment, yes  observes a total recovery  of the injector operation by approximately 20%.


Motor Test on Power Test Bench

A test was then carried out on a power test bench using a Euro 5 car fueled with previously polluted petrol. After a period of 32 minutes of engine operation there was a progressive decrease in power equal to -8%.

The same test was then carried out 3 more times by adding the RIGENTANK Petrol additive in amounts of 0,5%, 1% and 2%, noting a progressive improvement in engine operation with power increases of even 1%.


Fuel Opacity Test

Using an opacimeter instrument, a light beam was detected through a glass cylinder containing 250 ml of polluted petrol, detecting an opacity equal to 28%. Subsequently, the petrol was added with the product RIGENTANK Petrol in a measure of 5%, detecting the opacity again after 100 seconds with a result equal to 0.


Fuel composition and consequent problems

"Starting from 2021 (decree 30 December 2020) the percentage of "biofuels" is by law increased to 10% in both Diesel (Biodiesel) and Petrol (Bioethanol), exposing the engine to new risks. Having clean fuel is equivalent to having an efficient engine!"

Poor fuel quality can cause:

Malfunctions and Anomalies

Seizure and breakage of the injectors
Filter block and engine stop
Candles and Dirty
Difficult starting
Excessive smoke and fuel consumption
Corrosion and poor lubrication of cylinders
Premature aging of engine oil
Poor power and gaps in acceleration

The solution


Multifunction Petrol Regenerator

Multifunction Diesel Regenerating

Multifunction Diesel Regenerating

Video - RIGEN TANK Regenerating Multifunction