Partner in Problems, Leader in Solutions

Tire Service and Repair

Tire Service
and Repair

Gen-Art offers a complete range of items for proper maintenance and professional tire repair. Experience the thrill of a trip in total safety.

Safety on board starts here

Safety on board a car is strongly affected by the condition and quality of the tires, the only part of the vehicle that comes into direct contact with the surface of the road. To maximize the efficiency of the car, it is advisable to periodically replace the tires, even if they do not show particular signs of wear. Although there is no exact number of years or a specific number of kilometres after which tires should be replaced, it is advisable to change tires after five years from the date of production, shown on the side wall of the tire, or after 5 thousand kilometres. Despite these are recommendations and not obligations imposed by the highway code, Gen-Art offers a wide range of specific items aimed for the care and assembly of tires in perfect conditions.

Product Catalog

repair of tires counterweights pneumatic valves

Security Items

A range of specific items aimed for the assembly of tires in perfect conditions. Maximum grip on the ground in any situation, vehicle stability, driving precision, performance and safe braking.

  • Superior quality
  • Original spare parts
  • Wide range of products
  • Certified safety
  • Numerous assortments
  • OEM quality